Battery Way, Corregidor. These guns were manufactured at the Watervliet Arsenal, not 50 miles from Joe Minder’s home back in the States. Shared by Ron Parsons.
Art LaPorte’s Iwo Jima notebook
Art LaPorte captured flag, Purple Heart from Iwo Jima
Dan Lawler’s BAR heavy machine gun.
Dan Lawler’s photo from K/3/5 on Okinawa in 1945. Source Dan Lawler.
Page 1 and 2 of 8 pg. letter from Eugene Sledge to Daniel Lawler, identifying the men in Lawler’s photo from K/3/5 on Okinawa in 1945. Source Dan Lawler.
Caricature of John E. Parsons by British officer imprisoned with him on Taiwan. 1944. Shortly before being transferred to the Mukden POW camp in Manchuria. Shared by Ron Parsons.
Student dictionary, HFHS, 1940. The student has methodically checked off the countries that have fallen to the Axis. Note the Philippines is not yet marked, and “Soviet Russia” is now a friend. Suggests maybe Spring 1941 defacement of book. Note Nazi Germany resides in “HELL”.
Ration Book
Joe Fiore, the Pineapple Kid, May 1, 1944
Fellow pilot Harry Wilson lost his life. John A. Leary wrote to the family, and this was the heartfelt response.
John A. Leary WW II Flight Log
Leaflet dropped over Japan calling on Japanese to pressure their leaders to end the war.